Worlds are created from the lens in which we choose to see them.

We can choose to see glasses half full, opportunities in setbacks and, my personal favorite, abilities in those who live with a disability.

Sometimes we are prepared to choose how we see a situation. And other times, like when your child receives an unexpected diagnosis, we’re given the chance to make that important choice.

We know words create worlds, but perspectives do, too. And for those navigating a disability, as well as their parents and loved ones, the lens by which others see their difference can, in fact, make all the difference.

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Hey, I’m Jim Littlefield-Dalmares and I’m in the business of helping others see ability. When my daughter, Sophia, was born, we were given a choice on how we would see her unexpected diagnosis of cerebral palsy (CP).

  • Would we let it limit her or would we create opportunities so her life was limitless?
  • Would she be seen as different or would her differences be celebrated as unique strengths?
  • Would her challenges set her back or be the catalyst to propel her forward?

We had a choice. As Sophia grew, she had a choice. And you—parent, friend, educator, medical professional, neighbor, sibling… any person for that matter—also have a choice. My hope is that you choose to reassess how you see people around you who experience life a bit differently than you. Despite how the world identifies their uniqueness as disabilities, we get to choose, instead, to see all that they are capable of, the impact they are destined to make and let their abilities shine.

Ready to See Ability?

The Seeing Ability Foundation

The Seeing Ability Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming lives by celebrating and empowering every individual’s potential. Its mission is to support families raising children with differing abilities by creating a strong, supportive community and offering essential resources, education, and empowerment for their journey.

Photo of Jim Littlefield-Dalmares talking with parents

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